










Sadhguru looks at what it means to be a yogi, and speaks about hatha yoga and the possibility of experiencing life beyond the physical.


Sadhguru: Hatha yoga is a tremendous possibility if it is practiced and transmitted in its right sense. Right now, hatha yoga is widely perceived as an exercise form. Changing this perception is an onerous task. Hatha yoga is not about losing weight, fixing your back, or getting healthy. Those are consequences, not the purpose. Exercise is a very recent idea. In earlier generations, only wrestlers and warriors exercised. The rest of the people just worked. There was a lot of physical activity, so naturally, people were well-exercised.


Getting the idea out of people’s heads that yoga is an ancient form of exercise is a big task by itself. But if we don’t do this, true yoga will not happen. When you do Surya Namaskar for example, do not focus on your muscles but on becoming in sync with the source of all energy in this solar system. How long will it take to get there? How long does it take to become a yogi? It can be a moment, it can be a millennium, or it can be never. You might as well ask how long it takes to fall in love with someone, or how long it takes to become a devotee. You can set a time only for physical aspects, not the subtler aspects of life.

要把“瑜伽是一种古老的锻炼形式”这个概念从人们头脑中清除,不是一件容易的事。但如果我们不去做这件事,就不会有真正的瑜伽。比如说当你做Surya Namaskar(拜日式)的时候,不要专注在你的肌肉上,而是要与整个太阳系的一切能量之源保持同步。要多久才能到达那里?要多久才能成为一位瑜伽士?它可以是一瞬间的事,也可能要一千年,或者永远都不会发生。你不如问问多久才能爱上一个人,或者多久才能成为一位奉爱者。你只能在物质层面去设定时间,在生命更微妙精细的方面是不可以的。

If your goal is to become a yogi, it may happen in five-and-a-half seconds, or it may not happen in five-and-a-half lifetimes, because it is not of the physical nature.


If your goal is to become a yoga teacher, five-and-a-half months are good enough. If your goal is to become a yogi, it may happen in five-and-a-half seconds, or it may not happen in five-and-a-half lifetimes, because it is not of the physical nature. It depends on how an individual being allows it to happen.


To be a Yogi  


It is my wish that at least an element of being a yogi comes into people’s lives. Otherwise, something very fundamental is going waste. Bending and twisting your body has its benefits for your physical health, but there is much more to being a yogi. Some sense of being a little more than the physical body is the important thing. Even if you are not like that 24 hours of the day, at least a few moments in a day you should be a yogi. If you keep it alive, things that you do not understand, things that you have never experienced, will happen to you. That means you are allowing another dimension to function.


If you do not become a yogi in some way, life will put you through all kinds of things. That is why most human beings choose to hide from life. When someone cannot talk to more than three people in their life, when they cannot walk on the street with an open heart, loving everything that they see and cannot see, they are obviously hiding from life – they want to be safe. A coffin is a very safe place.


To be a yogi means to live without the coffins that people build around themselves. Yoga means union. It means you have breached the boundaries of the physical and have the ability to touch and experience everything in the universe. Unless a human being acquires this quality, they are somehow trying to hide from life. 


If you are really conscious that time is ticking away, you will naturally long to become a yogi.


You can easily be saved from life, but you cannot be saved from death – no one can. With yoga, you may live a little longer, but there is no insurance against death. Knowing fully well that this life is a limited lease of time, do you want to hide from life or become available to every aspect of it? When I say “every aspect,” people may think of smoking, drinking, sexuality, and things like that. These are only different aspects of compulsiveness. There is much more to life. If you are really conscious that time is ticking away, you will naturally long to become a yogi. 


Life Beyond the Body 超越身体的生命

Physically traveling around and touching the entire universe is out of question. The only way to touch everything and know life in all its dimensions is to transcend the limitations of physicality. The process of hatha yoga is designed to allow you at least a few moments of breaching the boundaries of the physical and transcending its compulsive, cyclical nature. Right now, I would say 99% of most people’s thoughts would be meaningless because they are all around the compulsiveness of the body. It is all about saving yourself, protecting yourself, and keeping yourself comfortable. If you did not have a body, you would not be looking at concerns, you would be looking at possibilities. The only question would be, “What is the ultimate possibility for a human being?”


You must get this one thought out of your head – “What about me?” Don’t worry about that.


You must get this one thought out of your head – “What about me?” Don’t worry about that. What about you? You will die! That is the ultimate secret of life. If you drop this concern about yourself, your body will be just a stepping stone in your life. Unfortunately, people are making this physiological mechanism a barrier, not a possibility, simply because they are identified with it. If you remove this one thought, you will become a tremendous possibility. 

你必须把这个想法从头脑中剔除出去—— “那我呢?”不要操心这件事。你怎么了?你会死!那是生命的终极秘密。如果你放下对自己的担忧,你的身体就会是你生命的垫脚石。不幸的是,人们把这个生理机制变成了障碍,而不是可能,这一切只是因为他们太认同于身体。如果你把这个想法去掉,你就会展现巨大的可能性。






















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